Vehicle vs Fixed Object on Palm Street

Type of Accident:

Vehicle vs Fixed Object

Accident Summary:

The LVMPD states that a vehicle accident occurred on August 24, 2022, at approximately 2:05 a.m.

As stated in the Press Release from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police DepartmentEvidence at the scene, witness statements, and video surveillance indicate that a 2001 Cadillac Deville traveled southbound on N. Pecos Road, approaching E. Charleston Boulevard. South of Charleston Boulevard, the roadway becomes Palm Street. The Cadillac entered the intersection southbound and left the roadway to the west as it entered Palm Street. The Cadillac struck a light signal pole and came to rest. Arriving emergency medical personnel transported the Cadillac’s occupants to University Medical Center for treatment. Despite all life-saving efforts, the driver succumbed to her injuries at University Medical Center. The passenger sustained serious injuries and was admitted to University Medical Center. Driver impairment is suspected. The driver’s death marks the 94th traffic-related fatality in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s jurisdiction for 2022. The collision remains under investigation by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Collision Investigation Section.”

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