Type of Accident:
Vehicle vs Pedestrian
Accident Summary:
The LVMPD states that a vehicle vs pedestrian accident occurred on August 20, 2022, at approximately 11:47 p.m.
As stated in the Press Release from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department “Evidence at the scene and witness statements indicated a 2014 Honda CR-V was traveling south on Jones in the right-most lane (T3) of three southbound lanes. The pedestrian was lying in the right-most (t3) travel lane. There was an M-Scooter S-10 (electric scooter) lying near the pedestrian. Evidence suggests the pedestrian was riding the scooter and had fallen in the roadway before the Honda CR-V arriving in the area. A collision occurred when the front of the Honda collided with the left side of the pedestrian. Despite all life-saving efforts by medical personnel, the pedestrian was determined to be deceased at the scene. The pedestrian did not have any identification at the time of the collision. Identification of the pedestrian is pending. The driver of the Honda remained on the scene and cooperated with the investigation. Impairment on behalf of the driver of the Honda is not a factor in this case. This collision marks the 93rd traffic related fatality in Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Departments jurisdiction for 2022. This collision remains under investigation by LVMPD’s Collision Investigation Section.”
Have you or someone you know been hurt in a vehicle vs pedestrian accident?
If you or someone you know has been injured or even killed in a vehicle vs pedestrian accident, visit SJW Injury Attorneys and get in touch with Las Vegas Lawyers that know how to get you the compensation you deserve.