Vehicle vs Motorcycle at Spencer Street

Type of Accident:

Vehicle vs Motorcycle

Accident Summary:

The LVMPD states that a vehicle vs motorcycle accident occurred on January 14, 2023, at approximately 1:28 p.m.

As stated in the Press Release from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department “Evidence at the scene indicated a 2020 Honda Cobra motorcycle was traveling southbound on Spencer Street and entered the intersection with Pebble Road in the right of two travel lanes (T2). A 2010 Chevrolet was traveling northbound on Spencer Road, preparing to make a left turn onto westbound Pebble Road on a flashing yellow arrow signal. A collision occurred when the Chevrolet crossed the Honda’s path of travel. The front of the Honda struck the right side of the Chevrolet, resulting in major damage to both vehicles. The motorcyclist sustained substantial injuries and was transported to Sunrise Hospital, where he remains in critical condition. The driver of the Chevrolet did not sustain any injuries, and impairment is not suspected. This collision remains under investigation by the LVMPD Collision Investigation Section.”

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If you or someone you know has been injured or even killed in a vehicle vs motorcycle accident, visit SJW Injury Attorneys and get in touch with Las Vegas Lawyers that know how to get you the compensation you deserve.

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